Forests for Oregon is a group that is going to run a petition to challenge the Federal Government to relinquish control of the Federal lands inside the state of Oregon.
Here is an example of a petition we will be running:
Ballot Title:
Fund Oregon Schools from the return of Oregon land to the people of Oregon from those lands within the boundary of the state of Oregon currently under Federal Management and Control.
Ballot Wording
We the people of the state of Oregon demand the Oregon Land Board pursue the return of all lands within the boundary of the state of Oregon from the United States Government excepting Parks, Forts and Administrative lands deemed necessary as provided in the United States Constitution. These reclaimed lands will be owned by the people of the state of Oregon and managed by the Oregon Land Board to ensure productive and healthy lands for all Oregonians.
Constitutional Amendment
We the people of the state of Oregon are Amending the Constitution for the state of Oregon as follows:
Section 2. Common School Fund. (1) The sources of the Common School Fund are:
(e) The proceeds of the five hundred thousand acres of land to which this state is entitled under the Act of September 4, 1841 (5 Stat. 455), and all federal lands reclaimed from the United States Government under the authority granted the state of Oregon as executed by the Oregon Land Board’s petition to the Congress of the United States of America.